Tuesday, June 16, 2009



*Nice ideas.
*This piece is probably too melancholy for the prominence and majestic nature of this spot.
*We want to accentuate the power and prestige and astounding legacy of the Titanic, not so much the tragic loss of life.
*The pan flute really brings us in to the interpersonal sentimental side of the ships history and we want to entice the public with the excitement and awe of the TITANIC spectacle.
*Also, the compression on this spot, really makes this piece thin. We lose the quality of the strings and the impact of the musical ideas.
*Nice piece overall.

VERSION 2 and 3

*The critique is the same as above.


*Nice musical alignment to picture. Your music accentuates the title card very well. Nice use of choir voices without being melancholy.
*You keep the spot interesting without overdoing it. We like the mystical quality of your piece as it makes us feel like we are uncovering history and learning new facts about the Titanic.
*Be careful of the compression on this version as well. The tendencey for the overall composition to sound thin and less powerful sometimes results.
*Try stacking your horns and more low end strings in your first title card. Your second title card seems thicker than the first and we are sure this is by design, but due to the limited time in this spot, the opening title card could benefit from the fullness.
*You only have two places to hit home the theme. Make sure you grab the audience in both sections with the power and majestic nature of the Titanic.
*Nice use of the harp like sound in the middle.
*Nice job. Unfortunately the track has already been chosen.


*Nice structure and score (you da man!)
*We think that the music could take a bit more risks and truly establish a theme for the Title cards at the beginning and the end.
*We would like to hear you experiment more in the middle section with more unique tones so that we really feel like we are uncovering something new.
*We would also like to see bigger hits on the motion graphics to accentuate the information.
*Nice professional job overall.


*Nice ideas. we would like to have heard a little more bounce and rhythm in your piece, especially for the title cards.
*This piece should promote strength and pride and uplift a legacy of hopes, desires, and intrigue all in one.
*Take a bit more risks and truly establish a theme for the Title cards at the beginning and the end. Don't be afraid to really put your music out in front and make a statement.
*Nice middle section however it feels more heroic and Marvel Comics (Danny Elfman) than intriguing and mystical.
*We enjoyed it nonetheless
*We would also like to see bigger hits on the motion graphics to accentuate the information.
*Nice professional job overall.

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